Hiatus Status


Hi, it’s Mira here. Here to announce my plans for translation for the future. To put it shortly, I will be going to a hiatus, probably unlikely to have any plans on translating more in the future. I have pushed updates to Break World Online to the final chapter of the current arc. Still, I apologize for leaving projects like this.

Basically about almost 4 years into doing tl, the motivation of what I had at first had burned out, and with me currently under internship and going to graduate right after, I don’t find myself having time to continue translating. Would like to chill and relax after work after all. If you’re wondering where have I been in the last month or so without another BWO update, it’s basically me thinking about stopping tl, but thought about at least finishing the current arc (like 6 chapters untranslated), but can’t find the motivation.

For supporters, I have paused billing since January, so please do unpledge if you don’t want risking donating if I forget to pause billing in the next month. I plan to keep both my Patreon and Ko-Fi up for archiving reasons. Anyways, I plan to keep my website up indefinitely so anyone who wishes to read can still do so.

For other translators who wish to pick up BWO or CSS, please feel free to do so!

Thanks for everyone up to this point, reading and supporting my journey in doing tl, and sorry if I had disappointed anyone. Peace out!


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  • Rein


    Thank you for your work