BWO Chapter 36: Lawrence’s Demise Part 1

T/N: Double release ~ Merry christmas~ Currently, Lawrence is in a state of ruins as if under the assault of a natural disaster, with many collapsed buildings scattered around. If I didn’t do this much, I’m sure the adventurer’s guild would just revive in a short period. By destroying not just the guild but the…

Countless Swords Sorcerer ―― Chapter 314

After that, in a similar way, Ardis and Rona caught two of the remaining four persons, interrogated, and had them taste a living hell for the short period before they died, just like the first person. Despite not able to use arts, Marty’s group still had mana. It might’ve been a different story if they…

BWO Chapter 35: Mother & Opening

『Finally, it’s Lawrence’s turn will meet its end! It felt unbelievably fast to this point』 『Yes. Well, I have done all my rushed preparation already but, I will be sure to display my skill to fill in any lacking spots』 『How confident of you! I’ll be cheering you from the shadows~』 『Without saying, I know…

Countless Swords Sorcerer ―― Chapter 313

Editor: SilentS Around the same time, Rodelia’s general, Jelia was hearing a report from her subordinates in her remote private castle residency. 「――As such, there is only one last step to realize wide-area mind pollution.  There’s a need for further trial and error for a while. 」 The researcher that looked to be in his…

BWO Chapter 33: Acquisition & Prior to the Final Battle

A/N: Thanks for reporting typos……! A/N: The author is kinda scared he’s getting exposed for being crazy in the head. 「Gyafh!! 」 「S-She’s killing us! 」 Attacking the instant we greeted, I managed to shoot one of them to death. Moreover, the enemies still seemed to be in disarray, looks like my surprise plan was…